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Commercial Soap Verses Simply Sabuni NYC

Commercial Soap Vs. Simply Sabuni NYC Soap, in case you didn't know, is specifically defined as fatty acids that are neutralized by an alkali such as lye. But Dove, Oil Olay, Ivory, and countless others aren’t classified as soap – it's what is known as a Syndet bar (which stands for synthetic detergent.) And although based on my research it’s true that these synthetic detergents are less drying and less damaging to skin proteins than a lot of other chemical cleansers. Unfortunately, the companies that produce commercial soap or beauty bars like Dove, Ivory, or Oil of Olay use expert marketing techniques in their advertising. They promote emotional concepts and ideals, focusing on warm and fuzzy feelings while avoiding any unpleasant details about the product itself. Hence the rave in the number of people that support and buy their products. If handmade soapmakers had the marketing income that these bigger corps, have than I truly believe more folks would be inclined to opt for the healthier choice.

What’s a BEAUTY Bar?

A simple answer to this is that beauty bars aren’t actually soap. The FDA requires bars to be made up of primarily soap in order to label it as soap. It’s against the law to label any bar, soap unless it’s made up of the required components. What makes SIMPLY SABUNI NYC soap actual soap? True soap is very basic. It consists of oils, lye, and water. Glycerin is created during the process of making handmade soap, also called saponification. That's all that is needed to cleanse the body properly without disrupting the PH levels of the skin. The very best reason to use handmade soap is the ingredients. Typically, handmade soap is made of vegetable oils and butters that are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and nutrients that are essential to healthy skin. I can’t count how many times customers have told me that handmade soap has not only improved their skin but changed their lives by relieving them of itchiness, dryness, and skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne. Everyone wants healthy skin and switching to daily use of handmade soap is the best place to start.

My ‘ingredients’ are simply and always in the range of: Clays, Milk, Olive Oil, Shea Butter, Mango Butter, Cocoa Butter, Lye, Castor Oil, Coconut Oil, Honey, and Distilled Water (Simple enough, huh?)

‘Ingredients’ you’ll notice as you begin your journey with handmade soap/products that they consist of way less ingredients and detergents. Most brands will contain ingredients that you can actually spell/pronounce and or understand. Yes, we would love it if everyone purchased their products through us. However, whether you do shop with us or not it is our mission as soapmakers to give you things to consider.

Below is a list of ingredients pulled off of the DOVE web site: Some of the ingredients contained in some of the multiple brands of “soaps” on the market and a brief analysis of each ingredient. Keep in mind that just because some ingredients are listed as "potentially irritating" or "may dry your skin out" doesn't mean they will. Skin irritation depends heavily on a lot of variables like your own unique skin, and the concentration of that ingredient on your skin. Many people can tolerate certain ingredients, some cannot. Unscented Beauty Bar Ingredients:

  • Sodium Lauroyl Isethionate Summary: This ingredient does not appear to have any beneficial properties for your skin and may dry it out. (Surfactant, Detergent, Cleansing Agent).

  • Stearic Acid Summary: This ingredient does not appear to have any beneficial properties for your skin, and may sensitize you to allergens. Most often refers to a fatty substance taken from the stomachs of pigs. It can be harsh, irritating. Used in cosmetics, soaps, lubricants, candles, hairspray, conditioners, deodorants, creams, chewing gum, food flavoring. (Our Stearic Acid is used as a thickening/hardening agent and is vegetable derived).

  • Sodium Tallowate Summary: This inexpensive and readily available soap ingredient cleanses and moisturizes your skin, but may worsen or cause acne. Any time you see the words sodium X it usually refers to the fact that there is lye in the production of the soap. We choose not to fool you and to add either sodium or potassium hydroxide to our labels so you know exactly what ingredients have been used to make your soap bars. Sodium Tallowate usually refers to animal fat of some form.

  • Sodium Palmitate (Palm Oil: We Choose Sustainable Oils) Summary: This ingredient cleanses your skin, but may dry it out.

  • Lauric Acid Summary: This ingredient cleanses your skin. It may irritate very sensitive skin. A derivative of coconut and other oils.

  • Sodium Isethionate Summary: This ingredient is mild on the skin and non-drying. Another Sodium Salt derived from coconut oil.

  • Water Summary: Water/Aloe is used as a means of dissolving the oxidizer (the thing that combines with the oils to make soap).

  • Sodium Stearate Summary: soap ingredient does not appear to have any beneficial properties for your skin. Sodium stearate is salt of stearic acid This white solid is the most common soap.

  • Cocamidopropyl Betaine Summary: This ingredient cleanses your skin. It may also be an allergen. Cocamidopropyl betaine is a chemical found in many personal care products, including shampoo, toothpaste, and body wash. The chemical is derived from coconuts and is used to make products produce more foam. Because Cocamidopropyl betaine originates from coconut oil, even some personal care products labeled as natural still contain it. Although the government regards the ingredient as safe, some people do have negative reactions after exposure to it.

  • Sodium Cocoate Summary: This ingredient cleanses your skin. Sodium cocoate is a generic name for the mixture of fatty acid salts derived by reacting coconut oil with sodium hydroxide. Package labels refer to sodium cocoate using the names of coconut oil, fatty acids, cocoa, and sodium salts. It is a surfactant and emulsifying agent. Like sodium palmate, it is a critical ingredient in soap making. (AKA) Coconut Oil

  • Sodium Palm Kernelate Summary: This ingredient cleanses your skin. (AKA) Palm Kernel Oil

  • Sodium Chloride Summary: This ingredient does not appear to have any beneficial properties for your skin. Salt. Used as a hardener not only to harden but lengthen the use.

  • Tetrasodium EDTA Summary: This ingredient does not appear to have any beneficial properties for your skin.

  • Tetrasodium Etidronate Summary: This ingredient does not appear to have any beneficial properties for your skin. Tetrasodium ETDA (which stands for ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) is a water-soluble ingredient used as a “chelator,” which means it binds to certain mineral ions to inactivate them. Through this action, it can prevent the deterioration of cosmetic and personal care products, as it stops the growth of mold and other microorganisms. Tetrasodium EDTA also helps maintain clarity, protect fragrance compounds, and prevent rancidity. One of its main uses it to help personal care products work better in hard water. The Cosmetic Ingredient Review Expert Panel evaluated the scientific data and concluded that disodium ETDA and related ingredients (including tetrasodium EDTA) were safe as used in cosmetic ingredients and personal care products. The panel also said the ingredient was not well absorbed in the skin. They did note, however, that since the ingredients are penetration enhancers, formulators should be careful when combining these preservatives with other ingredients that may be hazardous if absorbed.

  • Maltol Summary: This ingredient does not appear to have any beneficial properties for your skin. It might be used as a fragrance, but maybe not considering the company claims this bar to be unscented. It is a white crystalline powder that is soluble in hot water, chloroform, and other polar solvents. Because it has the odor of cotton candy and caramel, maltol is used to impart a sweet aroma to fragrances.

  • Titanium Dioxide Summary: This ingredient does not appear to have any beneficial properties for your skin. It may cause skin irritation. The most important application areas are paints and varnishes as well as paper and plastics, which account for about 80% of the world's titanium dioxide consumption. Other pigment applications such as printing inks, fibers, rubber, cosmetic products, and foodstuffs account for another 8%. The rest is used in other applications, for instance, the production of technical pure titanium, glass and glass ceramics, electrical ceramics, catalysts, electric conductors, and chemical intermediates.[24] It also is in most red-colored candy.

I hope I was able to help you gain the difference between us and them.

Precious Renee’

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